Dentists Albania Conservative dentistry
The goal of conservative dentistry is to preserve teeth destroyed by caries.
Conservative dentistry deals with the care of teeth affected by carious processes, the procedures for the elimination of caries and those relating to the closure of cavities resulting from the elimination of enamel and carious dentine, using special materials.
Dental caries is a degenerative disease of the tooth's hard tissues - enamel and dentin can be superficial or deep.
Its cause is infectious: the infection starts on the surface of the tooth and then proceeds inwards until it reaches the tooth pulp, causing pain and inflammation.
Dentists in Albania Dental clinic Dulo Dent
The factors that cause dental caries are numerous as are their symptoms:
Predisposing genetic factors
Symptoms of dental caries are; sensitivity to sweet, hot or cold food, pain (pulpitis), typical of deep caries
Caries treatment involves removing the infected tissue and replacing it with suitable material. If the pulp involvement is advanced, it will be necessary to remove the damaged tissue and replace it (endodontics).
The general conditions that increase the risk of caries are:
Alterations in the salivary flow. Saliva fights caries by buffering the acidity of the mouth, and has both microbicidal and immune function.
Disharmonious dental arch (crooked teeth), which facilitates the formation of cariogenic plaque making it difficult to remove.
Poor eating habits, i.e. frequent snacks or excessive consumption of sweet foods increase the risk of caries.
Why does sugar cause caries?
Simple sugars and the most sticky sugars are the most cariogenic. The high frequency of sugar intake maintains an acidic mouth pH, and demineralisation is continuous.
To prevent this, it is best to brush your teeth half an hour after each meal, as the high acidity level of your mouth predisposes you to superficial demineralisation in the first few minutes after eating.
The latter, combined with brushing, may cause chemical erosion over time.
Dulo Dent Dental Clinic in Albania - Caries Care
The therapy of choice for symptomatic and/or cavitated caries consists in the removal of the damaged tissue using mechanical or manual instruments, and in the filling of the residual cavity with different materials (from the unsightly silver amalgam to the most aesthetic materials such as composite, glass ionomer cements, gold or ceramic inlays), depending on the aesthetic and functional requirements.
How to prevent dental caries
For the prevention of caries it is essential to undergo at least twice a year sessions of professional oral hygiene: it is therefore necessary to go to your dentist, who can avail himself of the collaboration of a dental hygienist.
It will also be important to devote yourself to careful oral hygiene at home daily, with the help of tools such as toothpaste, toothbrush and floss.
Remember that fluoride has the ability to remineralize dental enamel, block the metabolic pathways of the bacteria responsible for caries and reduce bacterial adhesion on tooth surfaces.
Sealing molars is a practice of primary prevention of caries is the sealing of the furrows of the first molars in children aged 7-8 years.
The composite consists of:
Resinous matrix
Inorganic filler
Coupling agent (silane)
The resin matrix is the chemically active component of the composite. It initially takes the form of a fluid monomer and is then converted into a rigid polymer (polymerization). The matrix is the continuous phase to which the other components are added.
Polymerization lamps
After application, the light-curing composites are illuminated with a light of a particular wavelength so that the polymer monomers are joined together. This process is made possible by a molecule acting as a photoactivator.
Composites are generally materials that must be kept away from saliva and moisture, in fact in conservative dentistry is commonly used the rubber dam to obtain the isolation of the operating field.
The dam is a thin sheet of rubber on which holes are drilled, through which the teeth to be treated are inserted. The sheet is stabilized by one or more hooks and, if necessary, by ligatures composed of dental floss. Outside the oral cavity, the dam is supported by a metal or plastic arch that keeps it taut.
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