Dental implants in Albania
Replacing missing dental elements
Dental implants are used in case of loss of one or more teeth, are made of titanium, a biocompatible and particularly resistant material, and are implanted in the jawbone where they perform the function of the root of the tooth.
The dental implant consists of two essential parts:
The screw, which is surgically fixed in the patient's jawbone,
the pillar, which connects the screw to the structure of the prosthesis. The implant is made of titanium, a very strong and biocompatible material.
Dulo Dent Dental Clinic - Osteointegrated Implantology
What is osseointegrated implantology?
Implantology is a surgical technique that allows you to replace missing teeth, restoring chewing function and optimal aesthetics. It works by inserting artificial roots into the bone - called implants - on which the artificial teeth are inserted. The implants are made of biocompatible material that does not give rejection and allows the growth of the bone in direct contact with its surface.
Implant solutions can be different in terms of technique, number of implants placed and type of materials. This variability is reflected in treatment times and costs.
At the Dulo Dent denltale clinic you will receive comprehensive information to make your decision in an informed manner. The dentist, after a careful evaluation, will show you the most suitable technique for your needs.
Ask for a free quote to find out how much a dental implant casts in Albania
Zygomatic implants are a very valid alternative to bone grafting in cases of atrophy of the maxilla. In cases where the amount of bone is too low, this technique uses the good quality and quantity of the cheekbone to place a fixed prosthesis in just 24-48 hours and thus save many months of discomfort.
Advances in dental science are such as to ensure the restoration of solid teeth even in patients with severe forms of atrophy in the maxilla and reduced amounts of bone. Anyone who cannot wear fixed or mobile prostheses because of the small amount of bone, can resort to two extraordinary solutions: the zygomatic implants and the implantological technique All on 4. (all about 4)
Ask for a free dental quote to find out how much it costs dentist in Albania and the price of a dental implants