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Dentists in Albania - ENDODONTY

Endodontics is a branch of dentistry concerning the morphology, physiology and pathology of dental pulp and periradicular tissues.

The aim of endodontics is to maintain, whenever possible, the vitality of the pulp with methods aimed at stimulating the repair of the damaged part.


In the case of extensive pulp damage or death of the pulp itself, with or without involvement of the periapical tissues, the inflamed or necrotic pulp tissue is removed, the root canal is cleaned, a dressing is applied and then the hermetic filling of the canal with suitable materials is carried out.


Dulo Dent Dental Clinic Endodontics

With endodontic therapy, dental elements with granulomatous or cystic lesions at the root level can be recovered.


Devitalization or canal therapy in Albania

Endodontic treatment is an outpatient dental procedure that is necessary when the pulp, soft tissue inside the tooth is inflamed or infected by damage caused by deep caries, by the result of surgery on the tooth, or by trauma that has caused fracture or chipping or deep cracking.

Endodontics Dentists in Albania

Canal therapy involves the removal of inflamed or necrotized pulp tissue from the tooth, both at the crown and at the root, in order to eliminate the often painful infection for the patient and ensure the preservation of the tooth element itself.


This procedure is commonly referred to as devitalization, as it deprives the tooth of the nerve and vascular endings that make it vital and sensitive.


The process of devitalisation involves a number of essential steps:

emptying of the crown and root canals of the tooth by removing the necrotic pulp tissue and shaping the root canals to make them suitable for receiving the filling material, cleaning and canal sterilization to prevent the spread of bacteria and toxins.

Permanent filling of the channels by means of the root canal filling radiographic control of the result.

The entire canal therapy is performed with the help of the rubber dam, which can ensure optimal isolation of the treated tooth from the rest of the oral cavity, reducing the spread of infections, facilitating visibility and professional intervention, freeing the patient from the presence of numerous aspirators and the need for continuous rinsing.


Devitalization operations involve the use of modern nickel titanium equipment and sophisticated apical detectors. The latter are able to determine with extreme precision the anatomy and length of the root canals to be treated in order to avoid the risk of granulomas, while reducing the use of radiological instruments. Laser technology is used, where necessary, in the root canal sterilization process.

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